MSMWHS212- Undertake First Response to Fire Incidents course allows individual employees in the workplace to identify, assess and control workplace emergency situations. Participants’ will be developing skills, knowledge and broad capabilities in responding to workplace emergencies such as a small fire that can be controlled using a nearby fire extinguisher; or a chemical spill that can be controlled using workplace personal protective clothing and equipment.
This requirement for employees to complete this training is consistent with the legislative obligations of employees as prescribed in WHS legislation. The knowledge and skills gained through the completion of this competency may be applied by all employees across all industries.
It covers the first response (only) to fire, and does not include aggressive fire fighting. Typically this response would be undertaken to contain/extinguish a minor fire or to contain a more major fire while external help arrived.
Course Content
Units of Competency:
MSMWHS212- Undertake First Response to Fire Incidents
Assessment of this course is through completion of a written and practical assessment, which includes the observation of participants participating in a range of first aid scenarios. Upon successful completion of the course students will be issued with a Statement of Attainment.
Delivery Method: Face to Face
Please contact us for individual course fees
Refund and fee protection policy – Please refer to the student handbook.
Payment Terms – Payment for individual participants is minimum 7 days prior to the commencement of the course. Group booking payment terms are based on agreement between the client and the service provider.